Sanctions Research

Sanctions research is a part of a larger legal research and precedence consideration. The goal of this research is to gather evidence, get facts, and compare to the previous sanctions, wrongdoings or history of a particular respondent.

Sanctions Research

Improved search, filtering and document collection.


Attorneys often spend a lot of time researching the precedence and previos sanctions, but are lacking a one source of truth. Diffferent groups use different systems and save different metadata so the search is incomplete in several applications and is time-consuming.


The goal of this project was to create a central tool that would simplify time-consuming legal research in several applications and have a one-stop-search for all sanctions research needs. We needed to quickly validate the wireframes with users.


1 Product Manager, 1 Designer

My Responsibilities

  • Identifying groups for user interviews & developing personas
  • Task analysis & user stories
  • Journey maps and storyboards
  • Paper sketching
  • Balsamiq wireframes
  • Testing prototypes

User Interviews

Sanctions Research

Discovering & Task Analysis

We started with discovering what enforcement groups perform sanctions research and identified several attorneys in the market and member regulation departments as well as the office of the General Counsel that is central in coordinating the legal interpretation. We started a discovery phase with a small group of 5 attorneys. We prepared few simple questions and refined them with each interview (sample only):

  • Why is Sanctions Research conducted?
  • When do you do Sanctions Research?
  • Are there guidelines of when is Sanctions Research required?
  • When do you conduct Sanctions Research through the matter life cycle?
Sanctions Research


Personas helped our team to better understand the daily responsibilities of our users and document where their frustrations are.

Sanctions Research

Journey Maps

Journey Maps were challenging to do as the responsibilities of attorneys vary depending on a case. I have created a main journy map covering their typical day and then focused specifically on their sanctions research to document all details.

Sanctions Research


We started with paper sketches and moved to balsamiq wireframes.

Sanctions Research

Prototyping & Testing

We validated and iterated the prototype as we talked in more depth with each user and improved the prototype with each comment and suggestion.

Sanctions Research


We validated and iterated the prototype as we talked in more depth with each user and improved the prototype with each comment and suggestion.


2022 © Katarina Stacho
