Executive Support App

Governance & Executive Support app keeps track of decisions, reports, member tasks, mandates and meeting decisions.

Executive Support Tool

Quickly validate executive tool prototype with product team and executives.


I often get requests to take business requirements and in a very short period (one week) to make a prototype and put a magic UX dust on it. This prototype should serve as an ideation for validating the vision with end users. I've used the following process to speed up my work.

Painpoints discovered

  • Executive team doesn't have a good tool to track of decisions and meetings information.
  • Current tools do not connect information between tasks and meetings.
  • Users wish to highlights most pressing tasks that need urgent decisions.
  • An app should be simple, easy to navigate and modern


  • Set up information architecture based on objects users understand
  • Create and simulate app for user validation before development starts
  • Test basic workflows and navigation


1 Designers, 1 Solutions Architect, 1 Developer

My responsibilities

  • Analyze business requirements through object-oriented UX
  • Use template to speed up user interface design decisions
  • Use Webflow to create easy to navigate simple application
  • Improve the usability through user testing
  • Share insights with the product team

Defining objects & attributes

I have decided to start this project with object-oriented UX methodology, as the goal was to test the prototype of this app as soon as possible. I needed a quick way of understanding this project. OOUX allowed me to identify objects, their core content elements, metadata, nested objects, and user actions so I could create a high-level map, prototype this tool and validate with users. The first step in the object-oriented methodology is to review business requirements by conducting "word foraging" and identifing main objects in the system-objects that have meaning to our users.

Executive Support Tool

Relationships & cardinality

Identifying the relationships between objects and discussing their cardinality allowed me to better understand how I can nest objects. I determined how they relate as I worked through use cases. It is important at this stage for e.g. to understand that object "Member" can have zero to many "Tasks", and can sit on more than one "Board" because can be important information for object "Meeting".

Executive Support Tool

Privacy and Permissions

When thinking about privacy and permissions, we had to agree on vocabulary first: Privacy is a condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by others (ability to control who can access data about me, data I create or act on). Permission is a form of constent or authorization based on my role. Scenarios discussed:

  • Show my member details only to group leader or executives but not to all members.
  • My tasks are allways public or always private? Can group leader control the tasks visibility (Draft with Member/Public with Exec/everyone)?
  • Show always tasks I write. Allow me to Hide or Show a task.
  • Earning reports can be accessed by Leadership only. Group leader makes resolutions visible to all.
  • Show resolutions I wrote to my group only vs Show resolutions to everyone. Show only this resolution.

Executive Support Tool

Calls for action & roles

Next step is to map everything users need to do with those objects to achieve their goals. These are all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) actions, as well as Assign, Attach Document, Print, Search and documenting them per role.

Executive Support Tool


The objects and their relationships create coherent and consistent building blocks that form a recognizable and relatable mental model. Keep in mind that this process is not linear, I often go back and forth until the system starts to emerge. Once everything is indexed and elements get prioritized, now I have a way of making sure that no matter when and where the object is shown in the UI, it follows a consistent content hierarchy. Then I am ready for a first attempt at a sitemap, information architecture of the application.

Executive Support Tool

No-code design

Because I need to move quickly and do not want to design UI from scratch for the purpose of validating this tool with the users, I look for a quick template in the no-code Webflow tool. It allows designers to build sites with real content and utilize CMS Collections— without technical skills.

Executive Support Tool

User Testing

User testing with 4 people showed some parts were frustrating them and they got confused. Iteration is a part of any process, so I tweaked the prototype based on user feedback.

Executive Support Tool

User Feedback

Part of any project's process is to document user feedback in Dovetail so we can have all reserach in one place.

Executive Support Tool


Some of the user's confusion was related to Task and Mandate, but user also suggested they would find helpful a view of their meetings and tasks in one calender view. We also had interesting discussions about what is Mine and Yours - when labeling objects in user interface and what the design standards are. So I noted that in my user research analysis, adjusted the prototype and handed it to the development team for an estimate.

Executive Support Tool


This project focused on speed and rapid validation. I was able to deliver a prototype to the product team within a week, which enabled them to move forward with increased confidence. I validated the basic navigation and key sections during this time.