Birth Registry

Build a platform to enable hospitals and cities in Ivory Coast to capture, maintain and update accurate and immutable birth records.

Birth Registry

Improve the means and efficiency by which birth data is collected, accessed, verified and stored.


The goal of this project was to quickly find out what is the paper process today and how we can efficiently translate it to a digital product. This platform should enable entities to capture, maintain and update accurate and immutable records through the IBM Hyperledger Fabric. It is a multi-platform product with an admin panel that enables administrators to create custom certificate templates with specific workflows. It also offers users the ability to create, manage and print these certificates on the web, tablets and mobile phones.


The minimum viable product scope was for birth certificate records only. The global estimate is roughly 230 million of not officially registered children, 80% occur in South Asia and Africa. However the market for this kind of registration can extend to other industries as well. The mobile industry in these locations rapidly grows. This presented a significant opportunity for mobile technology to improve the means and efficiency by which birth data is collected, accessed, verified and stored.


1 Product Manager, 1 Information Architect, 1 Business Analyst, 4 Developers, 1 Designer

My Responsibilities included:

  • Creating personas, journey maps, and communicate understanding business requirements to a team
  • Researching how to create long forms intuitive, understandable and usable in both languages
  • Prioritizing users goals for mvp
  • Creating wireframes for new features with focus on user admins as well as nurses that work in a low-lit rooms in various hospitals
  • Establishing style guide and branding with and easy color change switch
  • Creating in-browser high level wireframes for idea validation of admin part of the app
  • Working with dev team to execute the design vision
  • Testing, commenting, redlining and iterating

Analyze User Interviews

I wasn't able to talk to users as they speak a different language so I had to work through an interpreter. To make sure nothing gets lost in translation and to ensure I can translate my understanding to another-language speaking remote team, I have decided to draw storyboards that explain on high level what the process of registering looks like. Birth Registry

Basic goals

  • Quickly enter the basic information about the child
  • Allow different types of users access the same record
  • Transfer data safely to the local registry office
  • Simplify paper vouchers for parents by texting a Voucher ID to their phone via SMS
  • Search the records of the registry office by various filters
  • Allow payments for reprinting of future certificates

Pattern Research

I strongly believe in following the best practices. For the long form that was important for this project, touched by different users at different times, I have researched several Design Systems, articles, case studies and websites to understand how to best organize the content, organize it into logical steps and optimize the long form. I set up rules for required and optional fields, inline form validation, unmasking passwords and other patterns.

Birth Registry


I have started with few paper sketches and then translated them to wireframes in Axure. This allowed us to label fields, put similar content on individual pages and experience the flow of a form.

Birth Registry

Prototyping & Testing

In final prototype in Adobe XD, I have focused on small interactive elements and animations to take the experience as close to the vision of a final product as possible.

Birth Registry

Admin Area

The other important Admin section of the tool allowed super-users to create the birth records or any other future forms.

Birth Registry
NEXT PROJECT: Document Management