Reporting Dashboards

Reporting dashboards communicate enterprise-level case metrics to legal management to track the effectiveness of patterns and sanctions.

Reporting Dashboards

Improved decision making and reporting accuracy.


The reporting dashboards are crucial tool for any manager. Legal management group needed to understand the effectiveness of their work and active engagement with our clients (exchanges).


The goal of this project was to quickly find out where the dream dashboards and the reality cross. New dashboards need to help drive more informed decisions on business operations such as staffing and efficiency. The ability to pull in information from all of the key sources and automatically consolidating it into a logical, understandable format was critical.


1 Product Manager, 1 Information Architect, 3 Business Analysts, 6 Developers, 2 Designers

My Responsibilities included:

  • Reviewing personas, journey maps, and business requirements
  • Researching how to create effective dashboards
  • Prioritizing users goals for dashboards
  • Creating wireframes for new features in dashboards
  • Establishing design principles
  • Creating in-browser high level wireframes for idea validation

Discovering & Task Analysis

After reviewing all user needs, their goals and the data currently available, I have started with researching of what story the successful dashboards tell. I have found that all reporting dashboards should answer the basic : What's happening right now; What happened last week, month, year; Why it happened; and What will happen next.

Reporting Dashboards


I created several versions to achieve effective form of bar graphs to increase the ability to immediately extract items by comparing their size and I also had a goal to strongly avoid pie charts (ask me why). I have started with few paper sketches that management shared with me and a design goal of creating a simple, interactive and easy to analyze dashboard I have started with Balsamiq.

Reporting Dashboards

Prototyping & Testing

In final desings I highlighted the important data by using the color theory and used primary color while understanding the theory of opponent colors. Then I used the spatial location and two-dimensional shapes as easiest and most accurate to perceive. Then I shared the dashboard sketches with users.

Reporting Dashboards
NEXT: Skills